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...:::: Yahoo! Buzz Opens to All ::::...

Yahoo! Buzz Opens to All: Get Ready to Crash Servers

Yahoo BuzzYahoo! Buzz is now open to all website owners and publishers. Yahoo! Buzz is well known for sending the highest traffic ever, and is the best way to get featured on the Yahoo! homepage.

The beta test was limited to a few popular websites (who could survive extraordinary spikes of traffic) and webmasters and bloggers kept joining the waiting list. After they kept reminding list members that “We can’t wait to bring you on board!“, its great that they have finally opened the doors to all.

Anyone can now add Buzz buttons to their site which will allow readers to vote up the stories in various categories. However, voters will require a Yahoo! ID to submit and buzz the story. But once you start buzzing and voting, you can keep track of all your buzzing activity. When you buzz a story, they offer a cool alert with related stories too.

I have also added buzz buttons below each post and readers can now vote for our stories too. Some story might make it to the Yahoo! homepage and the servers will surely crash on the first traffic spike. Shared hosting services hate such kind of unpredictable spiky traffic as it compromises the uptime of other sites on the same server. But WP-Supercache is a great tool to survive a huge traffic spike.

You Can See, Some blogs have added the Buzz Widget to their sites.

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